November 30, 2018 Meeting

Glenwood Community School District

Special Meeting of the Board of Directors

Central Office, 103 Central, 3rd Floor

4:15 p.m., Friday, November 30, 2018


Call to Order

President Curt Becker called the Special Meeting to order at 4:15 p.m.


Roll Call

The following Board members were present:  Greg Schultz, Michelle Bahr, Ann Staiert, Theresa Romens, and President Becker.


Business Item

Theresa Romens made a motion to approve awarding Bid Package 2 for Construction of the Activities

Complex to Genesis Construction in the total amount of $6,499,000.  Greg Schultz seconded the motion. 

All voted “aye”.  Motion carried.


As there was no further business to come before the Board at this time, a motion was made by Michelle Bahr to adjourn the Special Meeting at 4:31 p.m.  Greg Schultz seconded the motion.  All voted “aye”.  Motion carried.




_______________________________________                  ____________________________________

Curt Becker                                                                             Devin Embray 

Present                                                                                    Board Secretary pro tem