October 11, 2010 Public Hearing and Board Meeting Agenda

October 7, 2010
To:      All School Board Members                                       Voting Orders:
                                                                                        Dave Blum – At-Large ‘13
From:  Devin Embray, Superintendent                                  Henry Clark – At-Large ‘13
                                                                                        David Warren – At-Large ‘13
                                                                                        Linda Young – At-Large ‘11
                                                                                        Theresa Romens – At-Large ‘11
Re:      Working agenda for the public hearing at 6:00 p.m. and the regular meeting on Monday, October 11, 2010 at 7:00 p.m. in the High School
 Media Center, 504 East Sharp Street, Glenwood, Iowa
PUBLIC HEARING – 6:00 p.m. – 7:00 p.m.
PUBLIC HEARING:  Concerning the possible purchase of the Evans Rental Site
A. Call to order
A.  The Administration has several Friends of Education certificates they will be handing out at Monday’s meeting.  Those scheduled to receive certificates Monday evening are as follows:  Marti Cheyney, Ardis Dusenberry, Linda LaRue, Sandra McComb, Elizabeth Mulkerrin, Kathy Reisner, Cyndy Sell, Doris Walters, and Elizabeth Wanning.  Congratulations!
A. Approval of minutes of the regular meeting on September 13, 2010, and the special meeting on September 27, the Board/Administrator Retreat on September 27, 2010, and the Board Retreat and Work Session on October 4, 2010.

I am seeking approval of the minutes.

B. Approval of agenda

Motion 4.B.

I am seeking approval of the agenda.

C. Approval of Board Policies (* changes noted)                                                      Motion 4.C.

Second Readings:

POLICY #                                                       POLICY NAME
1. 805.6 Capital Assets
2. 411 Employee Use of Cell Phones
3. 803.1R1 Process for Competitively Bidding Projects Costing Over $100,000
4. 803.1E1 Checklist for Project Consideration
I am seeking approval of the above policies’ second readings.
First Readings: Motion 4.D.
                POLICY #           POLICY NAME
1.              1004.3R2           Fees for Use of School Facilities
I am seeking approval of the above policies’ first readings.
E. NEW HIRES Motion 4.E.
Samantha Palmer
Special Education Teacher Associate
$9.29 / Hour
Lorie Wilcoxson
Special Education Teacher Associate
$9.29 / Hour
Terrie Cashatt
Bus Associate
$10.43 / Hour
Janene Owens
Teacher (Special Education)
September 29, 2010
Dianne Thompson
Bus Associate
October 15, 2010
I am seeking approval of the above resignations
Motion 4.G.
STUDENT NAME                           RECEIVING DISTRICT                        DATE RECEIVED
I am seeking approval of the above open enrollment(s).
H. Approval of Financial Reports
Motion 4.H.
1.  Approval of Bills – Director Clark will have reviewed the bills
2.  Vendor Report
3.  Board Report
I. Fundraising Requests
Motion 4.I.
HS Band Sale of Food and wrapping paper Music Dept. trip in 2014 to Chicago or New Orleans $5,000-&7,000 10/19/10-11/02/10
MS Student Council Dance Love Tree, Clicker System $250 11/5/2010
HS Dance Team Sell Ring Poms State Registration Fee, State Hotels $300 09/01/10-04/01/11
HS Dance Team Little Girl's Dance Camp State Registration Fee, State Hotels $500 9/11/2010
Key Club Powder Puff Football Tournament Picnic tables/trash cans for courtyard, canned goods for storehouse $250-$300 11/3/22010
Spanish Club Bake Sale Raise money to attend Justo Leamas Concert $100.00 9/25/2010
Boys Cross Country Sell Xcountry Map Help pay for Warm-ups $20.00 9/27/2010
Athletic Dept. Resale Old Girl's XCountry Warm-ups Help with Athletic Expenses $300.00 9/27/10 - until gone
MS Media Center Scholastic Book Fair Raise money to purchase books for library $1000+ Books 10/21/10-11/02/10
Key Club Trick or Treat for Unicef Donation to Operation Uruguay $100 10/25/10-11/1/10
National Honor Society Hats on for Cancer ($2 to wear a hat to School) Donation to Cancer (Pediatric) Research $600-$800 10/10/2010
Vocal Music Sale gift items/cookie dough Show choir outfits/Grand Piano $7,000 09/16/10-09/28/10
I am seeking approval of the above fundraisers.
J. Out of State Travel
Motion 4.J.
Activity Date Destination Requested By
Field Trip
October 19, 2010
Strategic Air Space Museum
Ashland, Nebraska
Devon Monson
Field Trip
October 13, 2010
Mayhew Cabin and Lewis & Clark Center
Nebraska City, Nebraska
Amie Abbott
Field Trip
October 14, 2010
Kimmel Orchard
Nebraska City, Nebraska
Beth O'Rourke
Field Trip
October 21, 2010
Henry Doorly Zoo
Omaha, Nebraska
Sharon Reid
I am seeking approval of the above out-of-state trips.
K. Overnight Stay Requests                                                                                       Motion 4.K.
Iowa Reading Assoc.                                             April 7 & 8, 2011
Nancy Wright
Becky Palmer
Ames, IA

Evaluator Training                                               September 22 & 23, 2010
Scott Arkfeld
Kerry Newman
Sioux City, IA

Fall Art Conference                                             October 1 & 2, 2010
Janiece Kinzle
Lynda Eckheart
Sioux City, IA

ISFLC Conference                                                 December 15 & 16, 2010
Shirley Lundgren
Devin Embray
Des Moines, IA
I am seeking approval of the above overnight stay requests
A. Comments from Public
B. Comments from Board:  Updates from various committee assignments
C. Presentations:  Kevin Farmer and Heidi Stanley – 6th Grade Camp
Devin Embray and Shirley Lundgren – Financial Information
6.      REPORTS
A. Building Administrator Reports                                                                            6.A.
1.  High School
2.  Middle School
3.  West Elementary
4.  Northeast Elementary/Early Childhood Center
5.  Building Bridges Learning Center
B. Activities Director Report                                                                                     6.B.
C. Kid’s Place Director’s Report                                                                               6.C.
D. Technology Report
E. Food Service Report                                                                                              6.E.
F. Transportation/Building & Grounds Report                                                          6.F.
G. Print Shop
Motion 7.A.
A. Purchase of Evans Rental Building
Based on our prior meeting where we considered all options to address our needs concerning our Bus Garage / Maintenance Building, I am seeking approval to purchase the Evans Building and land based on public feedback and through the SILO funds. The cost will be approximately $300,000 for the building and ground and an additional $100,000 for remodeling.
A. Board of Education Goals
I am recommending that we discuss the Board of Education adopting a goal statement and developing action steps to achieve the goal statement.  I have attached a sample statement and possible action steps for consideration.
B. Approval of Small Volume Transportation Agreement with Black Hills Energy
Motion 8.B.
I am seeking approval of this updated Agreement which adds the new high school to our list of accounts.
C. Approval to Authorize Easements
Motion 8.C.
I am seeking approval of the Utility Easement Agreement with Glenwood Municipal Utilities for the installed water and sewer mains located within the school district’s property at the new high school.
D. Approval of Grant Applications
Motion 8.D.
I am seeking approval of four grant applications.  None of the grants require matching funding from the district or place the district in a financial obligation.
  • The first is for the Behind the Scenes Zoo Trip for the Middle School to take all 7th grade students on a custom designed field trip to the Henry Doorly Zoo.
  • The second is the Toshiba America Foundation, in an amount under $5,000 for 7th grade science students.
  • The third is the Sensoring in Math and Science grant application from Honda, in an amount of approximately $20,000 to be used to purchase equipment to connect math & science literacy through technology and writing.
  • The fourth is the Reach for the Stars grant in an amount of $1,400 for Kid’s Place. If awarded the funds will be used to train staff in first aid/CPR, to fingerprint and obtain criminal history checks of staff, and to purchase items to assist us in our Iowa Quality Rating.
E. Approval of Lease Agreement with West Central Community Action Head Start Program.
Motion 8.E.
I am seeking approval of the Lease Agreement for the use of one office space, including utilities at 103 Central.  The office space is located on the second floor.  Headstart already sub leases from us in this building for classroom space.
F. Appointment of Board Member to Mentoring with Heart Committee
Motion 8.F.
I am seeking the appointment of a Board Member to the Mentoring with Heart Committee.
G. Approval of Marquee
Motion 8.G.
This was officially approved as part of the building project. We would like the board to be aware and approve the marquee as shown on the attached diagram.  The cost for the Marquee is estimated at $39,419.  The budgeted amount was $50,000.
H. Approval of District Developed Service Delivery Plan
Motion 8.H.
I am seeking approval of the District Developed Service Delivery Plan.  The committee has met and there were no changes made to the plan.
I. Approval of the 2009-2010 Community Annual Progress Report
Motion 8.I.
I am seeking approval of the 2009-2010 Community Annual Report, to be placed in the local newspaper as well as sent to the Chamber and local business owners.
Monday, September 13 – Regular Board Meeting – High School – 7:00 p.m. – 504 East Sharp Street Monday, October 11 – Regular Board Meeting – High School – 7:00 p.m. – 504 East Sharp Street Monday, November 8 – Regular Board Meeting – St. John Lutheran Church – 7:00 p.m. – Mineola, Iowa Monday, December 13 – Regular Board Meeting –