The District recognizes that not all students grow and develop at the same rate and that some students may need more time at a particular level.  Whenever a student at any grade level from kindergarten through fifth grade is not achieving up to expectation, the professional staff and parent/guardian shall consider retention.


Generally, retention is more appropriate at lower grade levels; however, retention in any grade through grade five (5) is acceptable if done in the best interest of the student.  In all cases, parent/guardian(s) and staff should work together in reaching a decision.


In rare instances, it may be in a student’s best interest to promote or “skip” the student over a grade.  This should only be done after extensive evaluation and consultation with all concerned.


Retention and promotion shall be carried out according to rules and regulations set forth in this policy.



*Adopted:  12/13/10

*Reviewed:  05/13/13

*Reviewed 11/13/17

*Reviewed: 11/14/22


The following are rules and regulations that shall govern the procedures under which administrators, teachers and any other staff personnel concerned with retention and promotion shall operate:


A.         Criteria to be Considered


  1. Academic Achievement;
  2. Intellectual Ability;
  3. Social Maturity;
  4. Emotional Maturity;
  5. Physical Development;
  6. Chronological Age;
  7. Language Development; and
  8. Attendance.


B.        Procedures


  1. The classroom teacher will inform the principal/designee of his/her intent to discuss retention/promotion with parents/guardians before the parents/guardians are approached.
  2. The classroom teacher will hold a face-to-face conference with the parents/ guardians to initiate the possibility of retention/promotion.
  3. If possible, initial discussions with parents/guardians regarding retention/promotion should take place during the first semester.
  4. The parents/guardians and teacher should consider the student’s attitude regarding retention/promotion before the final decision is made.
  5. Parents/guardians and staff should strive to make a final decision by the end of the third quarter, but in no case later than the last school day of the year.
  6. The classroom teacher, parents/guardians, and principal/designee shall reach a joint decision regarding retention/promotion of the student.  However, in the event of a disagreement, the parents/guardians shall have the final decision regarding retention since they have ultimate responsibility for their student’s education.
  7. Students shall not be retained more than one time during their school experience.
  8. The classroom teacher’s recommendation to retain a student shall be placed in writing in the student’s cumulative record regardless of the final decision.  This written record shall list the reasons for the recommendation.  This written recommendation will remain a part of the cumulative record but will not be a part of the permanent record.  The parents/guardians’ signature to indicate they have seen the written recommendation shall be incorporated into the record.


*Adopted:  12/13/10

*Reviewed:  05/13/13

*Reviewed 11/13/17

*Reviewed: 11/14/22


Students shall receive a progress report at the end of each grading period.  Students, who are doing poorly, and their parents, shall be notified prior to the end of the grading period in order to have an opportunity to improve their grade.  The board encourages the notification of students who have made marked improvement prior to the end of the grading period.


Parent-teacher conferences will be held at least twice per year.  The superintendent will recommend these dates annually.


Parents, teachers, or principals may request a conference for students in grades kindergarten through twelve in addition to the scheduled conference time.  Parents and students are encouraged to discuss the student’s progress or other matters with the student’s teacher.


*Adopted:  03/12/07

*Revised:  12/13/10

*Reviewed:  05/13/13

*Reviewed: 11/13/17

*Reviewed:  11/14/22



Student groups may make gifts to the district after obtaining their principal's recommendation and the approval of the superintendent.  Gifts may be accepted and acknowledged by the superintendent or his designated representative acting for the board.


*Reviewed:  04/08/02

*Reviewed:  01/15/07

*Revised:  12/13/10

*Reviewed:  05/13/13

*Reviewed 11/13/17

*Reviewed: 11/14/22


505.4 Graduation Requirements


The following are the requirements for graduation for students to earn a District diploma:

A.      The accumulation of a minimum of forty-eight (48) credits in the following areas:

        1. English: 4 Years - 8 Credits

             i. English 9

             ii. English 10

             iii. English 11 or AP Literature or Composition I and II

             iv. English 12 or AP Language or Composition I and II

       2.   Math: 3 Years (regardless of entry point) - 6 Credits

  1. Integrated Math 1 or Transitions to Algebra (Start with Class of 26)
  2. Integrated Math 2

  3. Integrated Math 3 or Math Analysis (Starting with Class of 23; ending with graduating class of 2025)  

      3.   Science: 3 Years - 6 Credits

            i. Physical Science (1 yr.)

            ii. Biology (1 yr.)

            iii. Environmental Science, Chemistry, or Physics (1 yr.)

            *Beginning with the Class of 2028

                Or Advanced Pathway

                 i. Biology

                ii. Chemistry 

                iii. Physics


       4.  Social Studies: 3 Years - 6 Credits

            i. American History (1 yr)

            ii. Western Civilization (1 yr)

            iii. American Government (.5 year)

            iv. Economics (.5 year)

            v. Behavioral Science (.5 year)

            *Beginning with the Class of 2025

       5. Financial Literacy & Economics - (.5 year) - 1 credit

       6. Elective Credits - make up remaining credits to complete the 48 required credits

       6. Physical Education - 4 Credits *If the physical education requirement is waived, the course must be replaced by another credit bearing elective course. 

           i. CPR Certification either received independently or instruction provided by Glenwood Community School District.



B.      Twenty (20) documented hours of service learning.

C.      All students must enroll and participate in Physical Education for one semester each year unless exempted.

Specific course requirements will be listed in the high school and alternative high school handbooks. These will be approved annually by the Board. Transfer students may require special considerations.

A student may be eligible for graduation when the number of credits have been obtained, but not before the end of the third year of high school. The High School Principal/designee shall submit a list of persons eligible for diplomas or certificates of attendance to the Board for approval in the month of May each year.

Students must have successfully completed the District and state requirements for graduation to be eligible for participation in graduation exercises. The only exception will be for extenuating circumstances involving unforeseen and unavoidable situations. Such exceptions may be made at the discretion of the High School Principal/designee.

Any student may, after four (4) years of attendance, make-up their failed classes through correspondence work or by returning to school. When these failed classes have been made-up, the student may receive a regular diploma. Required courses taken at a post-secondary institution, which are duplicates of courses offered at the District, will not count toward graduation requirements unless a course has been previously failed at the District. A maximum of four (4) elective courses taken at a post-secondary institution may be counted toward meeting the graduation requirements. These courses must be approved in advance by the principal/designee. Any post-secondary courses that are duplicates of courses offered at the District will not qualify for funding under the Post Secondary Enrollment Options Act.

Graduation requirements for special education students will be in accordance with this policy, unless an individual student’s Individualized Education Program (IEP) requires some other arrangement. This may include additional services or courses, if those additional services or courses are determined by an individual students IEP team to be necessary for a free appropriate public education (FAPE). The IEP team may waive particular graduation requirements in this policy based on a particular child’s disability-related needs; however, beginning with the graduating class of 2022, students receiving special education services shall meet the state requirement of completing four years of English language arts and three years each of mathematics, science, and social studies (known as 4-3-3-3) with support and accommodations as described in their IEPs for graduation with a regular high school diploma. An IEP team may determine, based on a particular child’s educational needs, how the 4-3-3-3 requirements are met; however, an IEP team may not waive this requirement.

Beginning not later than the first IEP to be in effect when the child turns fourteen years of age or younger if determined appropriate by the IEP team, and updated annually thereafter, the IEP must include: (a) appropriate measurable postsecondary goals based upon age-appropriate transition assessments related to training, education, employment, and where appropriate, independent living skills and (b) the transition services, including courses of study needed to assist the child in reaching those goals.

Prior to the special education student’s graduation, the IEP team will determine whether the graduation criteria have been met. The Superintendent may provide a certificate of completion/attendance to those students receiving special education services who do not complete 4-3-3-3 based on their IEP. Students who receive a certificate of completion/attendance remain eligible for special education services until they reach the maximum of twenty-one years of age.


*Revised: 02/12/96

*Revised: 02/08/99

*Revised: 06/11/01

*Revised: 04/08/02

*Revised: 06/17/02

*Revised 10/15/07

*Revised: 05/12/08

*Adopted: 12/13/10

*Revised: 08/15/11

*Reviewed: 05/13/13

*Revised: 08/11/14

*Revised: 12/15/15

*Revised: 11/13/17

*Reviewed: 10/14/19

*Revised: 03/09/20

*Revised: 04/12/21

*Revised: 6/13/22

*Revised: 02/27/23

*Revised: 03/25/24



Students may graduate after seven (7) high school semesters if the course work required for graduation under board policy "Graduation Requirements" has been fulfilled. 

Students are required to give notice of their intent to graduate early by December 1 for early graduation.  Student must have the approval of the Board and a recommendation by the Superintendent and the principal.

Students who graduate early may attend the next graduation.  It will be the responsibility of the early graduates to check with the school, in advance of graduation, regarding:


  1. Picking up announcement package;
  2. Distribution of cap and gown;
  3. Graduation practice.




*Revised:  04/16/90

*Revised:  04/12/99

*Reviewed:  04/08/02

*Revised:  01/29/07

*Revised:  12/13/10

*Reviewed:  05/13/13

*Reviewed: 11/13/17

*Reviewed: 07/09/18

*Reviewed: 10/14/19

*Reviewed: 04/12/21


Students who have met the requirements for graduation will be allowed to participate in the commencement activities provided they abide by the proceedings organized by the District.  The Board may exclude students from participation in commencement exercises for violation of rules established for the orderly governance of the school and/or District.

Attendance at commencement activities is optional.  Failure of a student to participate in commencement will not be a reason for withholding the student's final progress report or diploma certifying the student's completion of high school.

It is the responsibility of the Principal to solicit input from each graduating class regarding the proceedings for their commencement.


*Revised:  02/07/94

*Reviewed:  04/08/02

*Reviewed:  01/15/07

*Revised:  12/13/10

*Reviewed:  05/13/13

*Reviewed: 11/13/17

*Reviewed: 07/09/18

*Reviewed: 10/14/19

*Revised: 04/12/21




It is the goal of the district to provide a safe and supportive educational environment in which all students may learn. As part of creating that safe educational environment, no employee of the district will provide false or misleading information to the parent/guardian of a student regarding that student’s gender identity or intention to transition to a gender that is different from their birth certificate or certificate issued upon adoption.

If a student makes a request to a licensed employee to accommodate a gender identity, name, or pronoun that is different than what was assigned to the student in the student’s registration forms or records, the licensed employee is required by Iowa law to report the request to an administrator. The school administrator receiving the report is required by Iowa law to report the request to the student’s parent/guardian.

To maintain compliance with Iowa law and also provide efficiency in the reporting requirements listed above, the Superintendent will provide the opportunity for parents and guardians to list in the student’s registration paperwork any and all nicknames used for students.

*Adopted: 09/25/23


Dear (Parent/Guardian) _________________,

This letter is to inform you that your student (student’s name listed on registration) ________________ has made a request of a licensed employee to (check all that apply):

______ make an accommodation that is intended to affirm the student’s gender identity as follows: ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

______ use a name, pronoun or gender identity that is different from the name, pronoun and/or gender identity listed on the student’s school registration forms. The name, pronoun, or gender identity requested is _______________________________________________________________________________________.

If you would like to amend the student’s registration paperwork to permit the student’s requested accommodation and/or include the use of the above-referenced name/pronoun/gender identity, please complete the attached form and return it to the district administration office.


____________________________________________ __________________
Administrator Date

*Adopted: 09/25/23


_________________________________________ __________________
(Student’s current name on registration) (Student ID)

Please update my student’s names, pronouns, and/or gender identities on my student’s registration paperwork to include all of the following:



(Gender identities)

__________________________________ __________________
Parent/Guardian Date

*Adopted: 09/25/23


Parent and family engagement is an important component in a student’s success in school.  The Board encourages parents and families to become involved in their child’s education to ensure the child’s academic success.  The Board will: 

1.      Involve parents and families in the development of the Title I plan, the process for school review of the plan and the process for improvement;

2.      Provide the coordination, technical assistance and other support necessary to assist and build the capacity of all participating schools in planning and implementing effective parent and family involvement activities to improve student academic achievement and school performance;

3.      To the extent feasible, coordinate and integrate parent and family engagement strategies under Title I with parent and family engagement strategies outlined in other relevant Federal, State, and local laws and programs;

4.      Conduct with the involvement of parents and family members, an annual evaluation of the content and effectiveness of the parent and family engagement policy in improving the academic quality of the school served including identifying barriers to greater participation by parents in Title I activities (with particular attention to low-income parents, Limited English Proficient (LEP) parents, parents of any racial or ethnic minority, parents with disabilities and parents with limited literacy);

5.      Use the findings of the annual evaluation to design strategies for more effective parent and family involvement and to revise, as necessary, the parent and family involvement policies; and;

6.      Involve parents and families in Title I activities.

The Board will review this policy annually.  The Superintendent is responsible for notifying parents and families of this policy annually or within a reasonable time after it has been amended during the school year.  The Superintendent may develop an administrative process or procedures to implement this policy.


*Adopted: 02/10/20

*Revised: 03/25/24

*First Read: 12/09/24