February 26, 2013 Special Meeting Agenda

February 25, 2013
To:       All School Board Members
From:  Devin Embray, Superintendent
Voting Orders:
Dave Blum - At-Large ' 13
Hemy Clark - At-Large ' 13
Alm Staiert - At-Large '13
Craig Patzer - At-Large ' 15
Theresa Romens - At-Large ' 15
Re:       Special  Board  Meeting - Tuesday, February  26, 2013,  6:00 p.m.
Superintendent's  Office,  103 Central,  3rd  Floor, Glenwood , Iowa
1. Pledge of Allegiance
  1. Call to Order
2. Closed Session - The Board will move into Closed Session, in accordance with Iowa Code Section 21.5 (1)(c), to discuss strategy with legal counsel in matters presently in litigation, or where litigation is imminent, if disclosure would be likely to prejudice or disadvantage the board .
3. Return to Open Session
  1. Possible Action
4. Adjournment                                                                                                                              Motion